Most people want to become parents at some point in their lives. It is one of the most natural feeling to have – one that has kept humankind going for so long. And while a lot of those people don’t have too many troubles with pregnancy. It’s not always that simple for others. It is common for people to have infertility. It may just so happen that the road to parenthood is one that is riddled with potholes.

The rates of successful natural conception for couples are highly subjective. But certain studies have found that approximately only 30% of couples conceive in the first month of trying. While 50% of couples conceive in the first 3 months of trying. It is estimated that the chances of conception are at 75% within the first six months and 85-90% within a year¹. This delay in conceiving is called subfertility. In subfertility the chances that you can conceive naturally still exist, but this may not be the case with infertility. 

Infertility is best described as a medical condition characterised by the failure to conceive. The couple must try for 12 months of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. The word ‘regular’ over here would mean sex every 2-3 days.

Infertility can be divided into subtypes-

  • Primary infertility refers to the inability to get pregnant after at least one year of trying while
  • Secondary infertility deals with the inability to get pregnant after being successful with it at least once before. This type of infertility was found in around 42.5% of all infertility cases.

Global Statistics:

  • Globally, infertility affects about 15% of couples under the reproductive age umbrella.
  • India alone, according to estimates, houses 25% of the world’s total infertile couples³.
  • An EY report published in 2015 estimated that between 22-33 million couples in India suffer from lifetime infertility.
  • A review published in 2018 reported that the fertility rate referring to the number of live births per woman during her reproductive age had fallen from 3.9 in the 1990s to 2.3 by 2013.

Clearly, this issue is not limited to a few, though it may be as spoken about as Cancer or Diabetes. Additionally, if the projections are anything to go by, infertility trends are on the rapid rise. It can be due to delays in marital age and child planning, and degrading lifestyle habits.

When should you approach a doctor?

For women, their reproductive age is a ticking clock. Therefore, the older you are, the sooner you must approach your specialist to increase your chances at conception. For women below 35, it is recommended that you approach a fertility specialist if you haven’t been able to conceive for 12 months. For women above 35, it is recommended that you approach your doctor after 6 months of trying unsuccessfully. However, if a couple, below 35, experiences any of the following, they should probably approach their doctor sooner:

  • No period in three months indicates an underlying problem with ovulation, which is one of the essential components for conceiving.
  • History of multiple surgeries which could possibly damage the reproductive tracts of the man or the woman. This includes surgeries like hernia repair and/or appendicitis.
  • Pain, discomfort, a lump or swelling in the testicle area could indicate cancer.
  • History of miscarriages and family history of infertility.
  • Exposure to chemotherapy can potentially cause damage to the individual’s reproductive organs due to exposure to toxic chemicals or radiation.
  • Or a history of PCOS, Endometriosis or Tuberculosis in women.

What Causes Infertility?

Contrary to popular belief, infertility is not just a ‘woman issue’. It can be caused by a variety of male or female factors or sometimes even their combinations. The most accepted belief in the medical community is that the causative factors in 1/3rd of the cases can be attributed to women. Another 1/3rd to men and the rest of the cases are either a combination of both or due to unexplained reasons.  Studies have shown that infertility in almost 15-30% of couples is unexplained, which roughly comes up to about 1 in 4 cases.

To understand what exactly could potentially cause infertility, it is important to understand the mechanism of what actually goes on during natural conception.

For a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child to occur, the following criteria MUST be met:

  • Production of quality sperm and egg by the male and female – The absence of these criteria may lead to problems with fertilisation and embryo creation. 
  • Presence of healthy, unblocked and functional fallopian tubes – The fusion of the egg and the sperm, in natural conception, takes place in the fallopian tube, a block which causes problems with fertilisation.
  • Presence of a uterus that is ready for implantation – If the uterus is not ready for implantation then the chances of miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies increase significantly.
  • And hormonal support throughout the process – The hormones help in the smooth facilitation of the entire process of conception. Without the support of the hormones, the sperm or egg may not be produced. The uterus may not be able to implant the created embryo, and the woman may not be able to sustain the pregnancy till childbirth.

If any of the above factors are compromised, the chances of pregnancy reduce markedly.


It is important to note that not all couples having trouble with conception need fertility treatments such as IUI or IVF. A majority of the cases can be treated by medications or routine surgical procedures. It also helps to be aware of the best practices when it comes to trying to conceive naturally. The journey of navigating through infertility is far from easy. In the long run, educating yourself on the various options available, the whats and the whys of the treatments, will be one of the most valuable assets you have.

Consider Ferticare services by scheduling a free consultation to know more about the prospects of getting pregnant. We provide support for surrogacy, donor sperm, egg IVF, IUI, and natural pregnancy. We offer individualised treatment that is appropriate for your requirements and circumstances.

Visit our website right now at www.ferticare.in to locate the fertility treatment that will work best for you.

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