Does Stress affect Fertility?

Every couple desires to grow their family at a certain point in their life and fertility plays a very important role in that. Recently couples have become very aware of their lifestyle. However, it is pretty challenging to navigate stress and anxiety in their daily life. A major question that pops up in the mind of every couple trying to conceive is can stress negatively impact fertility? The link between mental health and infertility has sparked numerous debates which makes it important to study the impact of stress on the human body.

The normal response of any human body to stress is to enter flight or fight mode by releasing stress hormones. When situations of extreme stress are encountered our body shuts down the non-essential systems. This includes the reproductive system as well. 

Studies have shown that the impact of stress on fertility-related issues is not direct but it is certainly a contributor. In women, the growth of follicles and the inflammatory responses necessary to ovulate may be affected by elevated cortisol levels triggered by stress. Fluctuation in the production of CRH can have a negative impact on the placenta and uterus lining which in turn affects the implantation. However, the Science Behind Stress and Fertility is different among men. Chronic stress can alter testosterone production, which results in a loss in arousal and sexual desire and possibly erectile dysfunction or infertility.

Additionally, it may harm the maturation and generation of sperm.

What are the global statistical data interlinking stress and fertility?

  • Several studies have shown that the symptoms of stress and anxiety are more prevalent in infertile patients than in fertile ones. 
  • In a Global study, it was revealed that around 25% to 60% of patients with infertility have psychological symptoms of stress and depression.  
  • Men battling stress and depression are 39% more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than those without stress. 
  • The impact of stress on treatment outcomes as reflected by some studies shows that patients who battled stress before and during infertility treatment were less likely to be pregnant.

What are the Dos and Donts of taking care of reproductive health during times of stress?

1. Get Adequate Sleep

Considering the prevalent lifestyle leading to an uneven sleep schedule, individuals need to make sleep a priority. Lack of sleep has a huge impact on the derogation of your reproductive health. Create a night exercise routine to maintain a proper sleep schedule.

2. Keep a check on your diet

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will keep you healthy. Avoid excessive junk and oily food that deprives your body of essential nutrients. Maintaining proper food habits helps you keep your weight in check which is very important for reproductive health. Further while eating healthy is important it should also be noted that following extreme diets and food plans may adversely impact your fertility.

3. Avoid too much alcohol

Stress may make individuals turn to alcohol. It is often suggested that consuming 2 glasses of alcohol in a day can impact fertility in both men and women. Having alcohol in moderation and once in a while will have a lesser impact on couples trying to conceive

4. Avoid too much Sugar intake

Several people use sweets as a coping mechanism to stress. However, incorporating too much sugar into your diet may lead to severe health problems such as obesity, heart stroke, or cancer which in turn affect the fertility of the individual.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking stands at the top of the list of Infertility causes. Smoking causes ovary follicles to age faster which in turn causes early menopause in women. In men, continuous smoking impacts sperm shape and blood flow in the reproductive organ.

6. Consult a Doctor

If you are aware of a specific hereditary problem then it is best to consult top fertility doctors for the best possible treatment. It is important to keep track of the age when a couple is trying to conceive. As a woman ages the chances of getting pregnant decrease. Similarly, with men, as they age the sperm quality decreases making it difficult to conceive.

The above recommendation is necessary to maintain your fertility while navigating stressful situations. This guide of do’s and don’t will come in handy to keep your habits in check.

Take the assistance of Ferticare for Natural conception, IVF, IUI, Donor Sperm Donor Egg, and Surrogacy. We provide personalized care that is suitable for your needs and your situation. 

Anyone can request a free appointment with one of our counselors or visit our website right now at to find the fertility treatment best suited to you if you’re having trouble getting pregnant.


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